1. Appmaker
  2. Mobile App Builder
  3. Mobile App Marketing
  4. Others
  5. Shopify
  6. WooCommerce

Benefits of Creating an eCommerce Mobile App for your Business

Today, mobile applications play an important role in building relationships between businesses and customers. In fact, mobile eCommerce apps are renowned for knowing their customers better, just by being a click away. 

It is predicted that by 2021, sales through mobile devices would hit $3.5 trillion. This is 72.9% of total eCommerce. Moreover, 78% of users prefer accessing a store through mobile apps despite mobile sites. 

About 50% of the revenue of an eCommerce store is generated by 10% of its customers.

Benefits of mobile apps for business

Planning up to scale up your WooCommerce business, go for a WooCommerce Android or iOS app for your store. With eCommerce mobile apps, business owners can target customers anytime and anywhere. There has been a tremendous expansion in the use of mobile applications in business. With interesting features such as push notifications, app-only coupons, etc. mobile applications for business. 

Providing the best user experience and quick checkout can be the two convincing reasons to have an eCommerce mobile app for your WooCommerce business.

Let’s look at the benefits of mobile apps for business:

  • A mobile eCommerce app brings you a loyal audience. 
  • Both the app usage tendency and the market of e-commerce mobile app development grow. 
  • An eCommerce mobile app allows the creation of an advanced marketing strategy.
  • There are eCommerce mobile app builders that can create apps without coding which will help your business scale up effortlessly.

If you are a Shopify store owner, easily convert your store into a Shopify app with Appmaker in no time.

Advantages of mobile apps

Having an eCommerce mobile app lets you manage your store with your mobile device that fits in your pocket. The benefits are numerous such as gaining insightful information to bring in improvements, generating efficient promotional campaigns, creating personalized content, and establishing a marketing strategy.

The advantages of eCommerce mobile apps are manifold and it is hard to compose under different headings. However, let’s have a look at a few:

Increased brand recognition

Using a mobile eCommerce platform, the manufacturers find an easy way to connect to their clients as a maximum of the purchasers spend long hours on their mobile. Small screens commonly make users indignant, and almost 32% of the app users normally uninstall an app if they don’t find it smooth to use. This results in a terrible user experience. That’s why brands must offer the high-quality best and smooth mobile app revel to the customers.

Improved marketing communication

With mоbile devices, сustоmers stаy соnneсted with the brаnds, 24/7 these days. Suсh mоbile gadgets hаve dynamically changed the wаy the users interасt with businesses, find infоrmаtiоn, аnd shор. Mоre аnd mоre users рrefer using mоbile tо shор оnline. Sо, it is high time that businesses tо inсlude suсh mobile-focused approaches in their marketing efforts. This will help you in improving the wаy оf communication between the brаnd аnd сustоmers.

Click here to know more about WooCommerce marketing strategies.

Enhanced customer experience

Trendy customers want a consistent and personalized experience all through their journey with brands. And using just websites as a medium to deal with your consumers would not make this happen. If you want your customers to be repetitive, opt for mobile apps to make this possible easily.

Higher conversion rate as compared to web

Perfect design coupled with functionality, and useful features have shown outcomes of improved conversion rates with mobile apps. Research has shown that the percentage of mobile app users who succeed in the purchase is more while compared to websites. Due to this, conversion rates for mobile apps are more while compared to websites. Furthermore, mobile apps display more products with an optimized array when compared to normal eCommerce websites.

Reduce cart abandonment rates

Mobile apps ensure that the purchasing process is complete within minimum clicks. The lesser the steps at the checkout process, the fewer would be the shopping cart abandonment rates, which can be achieved using mobile apps. Also, with various payment options like Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc., online payments can be completed with just a single tap.

Offer personalized shopping experience to customers

Offering a customized shopping experience is significant for the progress of the eCommerce business. Mobile apps will allow you to identify the regular buying pattern of users that helps to present customized options for users. When planned and blended along with push notification strategies, it can fetch wonderful results for your marketing campaigns. Instead of going for similar generalized marketing campaigns, you could conduct customized marketing campaigns based on customers’ preferences.

Increase Retention Rates

Research has shown that 38% of users return to the eCommerce mobile app 11 times or more after they download it. In case the consumer is not coming back as much as you wish, it is possible to pull him back using push notifications. There can be exclusive deals or deals custom-made to the consumer’s taste which would prompt them to come back to the app and make repeated sales.

Click here to learn everything about WooCommerce android or iOS app creation with Appmaker, the woocommerce app builder.

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