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Tips to Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment with a Shopify Mobile App

One of the fastest in the world businesses is mobile commerce. Consumers tend to use mobile apps more than eCommerce websites when buying. However, one thing they both have in common is Shopping Cart Abandonment.

Let’s take a look at some key facts on cart abandonment:

• The average incidence of cart abandonment is higher than 70%.
• Every year, eCommerce companies lose roughly USD 20 billion in sales income.
• The most common reason for cart abandonment is hidden fees.

What is Shopping Cart Abandonment?

Shopping Cart Abandonment is a term used to describe when a customer abandons a shopping cart.

A shopper’s cart abandonment, as the term suggests, denotes the purchase is not completed by the customer. They abandoned the deal in the middle which is totally unfortunate.

Many customers abandon their shopping carts before completing their purchases. The high incidence of shopping cart abandonment can be attributed to a number of factors, including a rigid check out process and an unsatisfying consumer experience.

How to Tell If Your Cart Is Being Abandoned

If your website is based on an eCommerce platform like Shopify, you can access designed-in analytics dashboards that show you how many customers have abandoned their shopping cart. Google Analytics helps you to view how customers use your website, where they quit your sales funnel, and whether your cart abandonment rate is above normal for comparable websites.

Tips to reduce shopping cart abandonment with a Shopify Mobile App

Here are some helpful hints for reducing card abandonment with the help of a simple mobile app:

Push Notifications – Prevent Cart Abandonment with Ease

The significant push notification function of a Shopify mobile app can simply be used to reduce or eliminate cart abandonment. But, really, how is that possible?

When a customer puts items to his or her cart but chooses not to complete the transaction, the app can send a notification or alert about the pending transaction. Customers may be prompted to finalise their purchases as a result of this alert.

Another option to make use of push notifications is to provide customers with a one-time profitable discount. This will almost certainly encourage them to complete the transaction, resulting in increased sales and lower shopping cart abandonment rates.

Shopping Cart Visibility – Effective in Reducing Cart Abandonment

In a mobile app, a visible shopping cart will serve as an obvious reminder that users need to place an order.

You can quickly add enticing shopping cart logos to help clients comprehend their pending purchases with a Shopify Mobile App. Customers will naturally tap on the cart logo to see if their favourite products have been left unattended.

Intuitive User Interface – Persuade Audience to Purchase Your Products

The app’s user interface and design are one of the fundamental things that any Shopify customer will notice. If a customer is greeted with a pleasing user interface, he or she will get addicted to the software. They’ll look at more products because the app’s navigation is smooth.

You may also use subtle animations in the menu to offer customers the impression that they are actively using your Shopify mobile app. All of these minor details can add up to improved sales and lower shopping cart abandonment rates. 

Provide Multiple of Payment Options

Credit card payments are a thing of the past these days. Consumers have more options for paying for things online than they had in the past. PayPal is still running strong, and mobile payment systems like Apple Pay and Google Wallet are gaining traction, especially among younger people.

Offering multiple payment alternatives reduces – or removes – another possible cause for a customer to exit their cart and go elsewhere. “If you want to sell anything, make it easy to buy!” is the well-known secret here.

Do you want to create a dynamic Shopify mobile app? Use Appmaker, a Shopify mobile app builder with features like Drag & Drop, Unlimited Editing, and Real-time Preview, to create and launch the best Shopify apps for your online Shopify Store.

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