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Top SEO Tricks to Increase Traffic to Website

Driving more and more traffic is the sole objective of any website, regardless of whether it belongs to a giant organization or a neighborhood blogger. There are tested and proven tips to increase your website traffic.

But SEO remains one of the most popular ways of increasing the traffic to the website because almost 90% of the websites on the internet receive 70% or more traffic from search engines e.g. Google.

Most website owners and bloggers think that SEO is very technical and learning SEO is hard. There are many website owners who think that they know SEO and they can use it very well on their website but in reality they don’t get the desired traffic.

Today I am going to show you some of the best tricks that I personally use on my blog MoneyConnexion to receive more than 500K visitors every month. 

And I am sure you will find it easy to implement.

SEO Tricks to Increase Website Traffic

So here are 5 best tricks that you can increase traffic to website

Target Low competition keywords during first 6 months

Almost all the new bloggers or existing bloggers make this big mistake. They write on any topic without doing keyword research.

Targeting right keywords is a very important step in the initial days until Google understands about your website and it sends some traffic to test your website.

So what type of keywords you need to target and how?

You need to target long tail and low competition keywords in your posts until you receive 100 organic visitors daily.

There are many keywords research tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush that can help you to find such keywords.

So here is the strategy for first 3-6 months-

  • Research keywords on your topic
  • Then use the filter like keywords with 3 or words and KD<40
  • Download the list
  • Again use the filter with keywords more than 4 and KD<20
  • Download the list

Here the Trick is- use the second list in all the posts until you receive the good traffic. You need to analyse the posts that are getting the traffic.

Now update these posts to make it more useful and target the keywords from the first list where you can target keywords with 3 words and keyword difficulty less than 40.

Now it will be easy for you to rank for these medium difficulty keywords.

And if you are confused on how to rank the high difficulty keywords then I will recommend you to create high authority backlinks.

Increasing your engagement

Google is more concerned about engagement because that’s the way to differentiate high quality content with the low quality content.

There are different measurements of engagement and you need to focus on each.

  • How much time people spend on your posts or website: It’s natural that if people spend more time on your website that means they like your content. So you need to create useful content that can completely satisfy visitors. I recommend you to write detailed posts with more than 2000 words wherever necessary.
  • How many pages they visit once they arrive on your website: Bounce rate is one of the crucial factors in determining the quality of your content. If people spend more time on your website and visits more pages, it means they like your website and satisfy with the content on your site. Try to make an excellent site structure and give more and more interlinks wherever necessary. It helps to reduce your bounce rate.
  • How many of them are repeat visitors: If people like the content of your website that means they like your content. If you have a minimum 25% repeat visitors either directly or through search engines, you are winning the heart of your visitors. Try to capture your visitors through tools like email autoresponders or push notification and then send follow-up message regularly.

You can easily find all these details in your Google Analytics. All you need to is make strategy on how to engage your visitors on your website.

Use search console to increase traffic to website

Do you know a search console is one of the best ways to improve SEO on your website? You will find lots of information on the same.

But here I am talking about a strategy that helped me to increase my website traffic by 25% without much effort.

You need to login to your search console account then move to Performance and find out the keywords that are ranking between 6th to 15th positions.

You will receive less than 5% traffic if you rank with any keywords on the first page between 6th and 10th position.

Similarly you will receive less than 1% traffic if your website ranks with any keywords on the second page between 11th and 1th position.

But these keywords are easy to push high on SERP because Google is already ranking these keywords but finding obstacles in pushing on the top.

Here are the quick things you can do-

  • Update your content and target keywords in your content with these keywords that rank between 6th to 15th positions.
  • Find similar content on your website and give internal links with the exact keywords to these posts.
  • Create a separate post with these keywords if you think you can’t target these keywords in the existing post.
  • Create more backlinks with the targeted keywords.
  • Try different Meta tags and target your keywords in Meta title and Meta description (if you can).

Meta tags A/B testing

This is also one of the tips that very few SEO experts practice. But if you do it properly, you can actually get more traffic.

Sometimes we write excellent and engaging content but we don’t get much traffic because of low CTR in our SERP result.

You need to create a high magnet CTR that will attract a searcher. And as your content is great, people will spend more time on your website and that will result in further push in SERP.

If you are not sure, you can try different Meta tags and see which one has better CTR. You can do this manually or use some SEO plugins to do that.

Update your content frequently

This is one of the most important and proven steps that can increase your traffic. Google and people both love fresh content.

If you have old content in your posts then it will start losing ranking with time if you don’t update the content frequently.

I have done this experiment hundreds of times and I always find this trick to work positively. I am running a classroom digital marketing training through my website DMaticDigital.com but due to lockdown we stopped training.

This website was getting excellent traffic before lockdown but as I am not publishing posts since March, the traffic to this website dropped by 30%. This is the indication that old content loses ranking.

Not only do you need to add new content on your website but also update old content so that you don’t lose the hard earned ranking on your posts.

Bonus Tip

Creating a mobile app for your website can also increase traffic to website in a very measurable way. It can be for an eCommerce business like a Fashion store, Grocery store, etc, or a Blog, Online Magazine. A mobile app is a proven way to increase website traffic. Just like SEO strategies, you can optimize your mobile app with ASO (App Store Optimisation).


SEO is really tricky sometimes and you need to understand this game. Learning and then implementing is the key to understanding this game. Most people understand SEO better with the help of experiments so if you are serious about it, you need to do that.

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