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Abandoned Cart Email Strategies That Save Your Sales

Abandoned cart email strategies are the most efficient ways to earn back your customers in the middle of the purchasing cycle. Dive in to know how it can save your sales.

Abandoned cart emails are emails sent to customers who leave their cart midway without completing the purchase process. According to a survey, abandoned carts are common in around 80% of the worldwide eCommerce sector.

Abandoned cart email is a way of marketing strategy to as you know the customer is interested in the product. Therefore, the only thing you have to do is bring them back to complete the purchase process.

Abandoned cart email strategies

An abandoned cart is quite common in online sales but rare in physical stores. Shopping cart abandonment emails are common in the eCommerce industry. However, you need to plan a proper strategy to limit or tackle this area.

Social proof

If a customer has reached the stage of adding an item to the cart they are already inside the sale circle. All you have to do is trigger their sense to buy the product. They may be unsure if the product is their right choice and must have left the cart. This is where reviews, testimonials, and feedback from customers who have already brought the product do the magic. This will bring confidence to the customers. Don’t just give importance to the positive comments, rather you should show them a set of pros and cons too. You can also add an alternative product for the same. This will help you to build the confidence of your customer to end the purchase cycle.

Incentive offer

80 % of the customers abandoned the cart due to rate issues. They may have second thoughts when they see the additional prices like delivery charges or extra money for fast delivery or no return policy or cashback policy. In such situations, you can provide extra discounts or a free giveaway. You can show it as a limited-period offer.

Moreover, you can also attract customers to end their purchase by giving them assurance of a cashback policy, return policy of the product, or providing a free after-sale service or an extra warranty period. You can give the customers options for similar products at a budgeted rate.

Customer service

Few customers leave midway when they get stuck in a certain stage. It can be at the payment stage or in knowing details of the product like delivery time or product description. For this, good customer service can resolve the issue. A live chat or a call with the customer can pull out the confusion and give confidence to the customer to finish the purchase cycle of the product. A human touch to anything can covert anything to a Midas Touch.


There are situations where the customers forget to checkout due to various distractions. To get back them to the cart you can send them a simple text reminder or a call. You can also attach a link with the text to take them back to the purchase page or their cart. This way they may end up purchasing then and there.


Always analyze your performance. If you have a large number of abandoned carts it means there is something wrong with your strategy which you will have to change. It can be due to your checkout steps or a complicated website design. Gather examples of abandoned cart emails so that you can try and test the best ones.


To conclude, you can always get back the sales with the right process. You can recreate the interest in the customers through discounts, price drops or free gifts, etc.

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