If it’s about transforming your business from eCommerce to mCommerce, mobile apps are the first steps to be taken. It is not the nascent stage of mCommerce, and neither is eCommerce. In other words, most of the online business run in either of them.
Were mobile apps are the fountain of mCommerce, it can help achieve growth and sales. If you have run an eCommerce website, here are the reasons why you should have an app for your eStore.
Advantage of transforming eCommerce to mCommerce.
The Smart Mobility factor:
Flexibility is a prior thing while moving your business to the mCommerce platform. mCommerce put an end to the limitation that users face by using any hardware-heavy machines.
Mobile devices are easily portable and the space they occupy is small. This favors mobile shopping apps. The shoppers can go shopping when they are in motion or even engaged with something else. The emergence of mobile devices made it easy for E-transactions, which improves In-app transactions.
Everything in a blink:
Each mobile apps brings a sleek approach to everything. The order delivery has to be fast for food, medical supplies, and groceries.
Making the products available at the doorstep on the same day of order submission is possible with retail’s app. And this is what the end users expect for when they shop online.
Play shopping:
Mobile apps help in bringing gamification to apps. This helps in
Moreover, Rewarding customers with badges and points are always interesting. People love gift vouchers and scores.
The key to the growth of any organization is customer engagement and it’s not that easy to achieve this. mCommerce opens up the door to increase user engagement.
Push notifications:

Reaching closer to the customers have come so much easier with Push Notifications. Push notification helps you do effective marketing and product promotions through an eCommerce mobile app.
Stay a step ahead and boost your sales by sending a push notification to shoppers. It could be about the upcoming offers and discounts.
Similarly, You can send push notifications that
Personalized approach:
CRM databases are implemented for each transaction made by shoppers to deliver personalized services.
The real reach:
mCommerce is a profitable venture to invest in the business because of the usage of mobile devices all over the world.
Economic campaigns can be implemented for a startup in need of fast growth. Yet mCommerce cannot be considered a reliable plan for collection the startup.
As we can see that there is much such organization gone into dust relying on the mCommerce alone.
There are so many features of the native devices which can be used in mCommerce. Like, One can target a group of audience based on the geographical spot, this is possible with GPRS.
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The solution for increased cart abandonment rate eCommerce Industry:
Cart abandonment is a plague for the E-commerce industry. Let’s see how this issue can be resolved.
When a user abandons the cart, The store owner can notify him with an acceptable offer along with a time stamp. This creates an urgency for the user to buy the product. Hence the users do immediate purchase
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