1. Appmaker
  2. Mobile App Builder
  3. Mobile App Marketing
  4. Shopify

Why should you build a mobile app before Black Friday in 2022?

It’s once again that time of year. Black Friday is rapidly approaching, the leaves are changing color, and the temperature is dropping. If you’re like the majority of business owners, you’re undoubtedly wondering how you can ensure that the 155 million Christmas consumers in the US choose your offers over those of your rivals. Having a mobile app for your business is a terrific approach to achieving that. This article will cover the value of developing a mobile app ahead of the Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping seasons, the expense of doing so, and even some advice on how to make your app your most successful sales channel.

Why is it crucial for my mobile app to go live before Black Friday and Cyber Monday?

Smartphone shopping is becoming more and more popular. In fact, Statista projects that sales of smartphones will total $432 billion in 2022. And as we all know, in the years to come, that number will continue to rise. The fact that 90% of eCommerce purchases begin on a mobile device makes it essential that your mobile shopping experience is built to increase conversion. Additionally, mobile apps convert 10 times better than mobile web.

How much will it cost to create a mobile application cost?

So, how much would developing an app cost you? The size and complexity of the app, the platform you’re working for (iOS or Android), and whether you already have a website all play a role in the answer to that query. In general, you should budget between $50,000 and $100,000 for an app. However, there are platforms with no up-front costs, like Appmaker’s Shopify mobile app builder, that can develop a custom app in a matter of weeks, just in time for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

The various connectors your web store will require will determine how long it will take you to convert it into a mobile app. The price of developing an app is, of course, only one factor in the equation. Additionally, you must guarantee the success of your application.

Increased income

Mobile apps can increase revenue by 29%. To put it mildly, creating an app from scratch can be challenging. Fortunately, there are drag-and-drop mobile app builders that simplify the process of building and maintaining your app.

There are a few crucial considerations you must make if you plan to turn your Shopify store into a mobile app.

Make sure your app is user-friendly and well-designed.

The more enjoyable a shopping experience is, the more likely it is that casual customers will become devoted ones. It is crucial that your mobile app has mobile-critical features like 1-click checkout, Apple Pay, and back-in-stock reminders.

Customers should have no trouble using your app. They shouldn’t have any trouble locating the item they want in the size and color they choose, and they should even see suggestions for more items they’ll adore. A seamless user experience has moved from being a “nice to have” to be necessary during the previous five years. Knowing what matters to your clients and how they spend their time interacting with your business is crucial for this reason.

Put the word out

A terrific initial step is to complete the design and preparation of your mobile app. The next step is to inform your current clients that your company now has a mobile app.

The easiest method to get the word out about your app is to advertise it via email, SMS, social media, and your desktop website. Your most devoted consumers will download your app more rapidly if you send them notifications with a deep link to it. Users can click on your notifications to go directly to the app store and download your app by using features like in-app deep linking.

Offer top-notch client service

A significant component of the user experience is customer assistance. You may improve your relationship with clients and your brand’s reputation in the market by providing exceptional customer service, which raises lifetime value.

If you want to interact with your consumers in real-time, you can choose to offer in-app customer assistance. You can even request evaluations and comments. You can use a variety of customer support connectors for your mobile app, including Gorgias, Intercom, WhatsApp, and Facebook.

This holiday season, make sure your messages stand out

A lot of online buyers and increased competition clamor are both signs of the BFCM season. Making sure your customers are aware of your holiday specials is so crucial. You may more easily contact your clients by using mobile app push notifications thanks to mobile apps. You may reach clients wherever they are and at any time by sending push alerts to their mobile devices.

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