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How Branding Influences Consumer Behavior

According to statistics on consumer behavior, 72% of customers are inclined to suggest a brand to others after having a positive experience with it.

When customers are presented with a brand’s personality, it impacts consumer behavior and purchasing decisions.

Customers have a natural affinity for things that portray a favorable image of themselves. They not only use these items themselves, but they also suggest them to others. Now, before we go any further, let us define brand personality. 

What is Brand Personality?

A brand’s personality is a set of traits that a certain customer group connects with and enjoys. It elicits favorable feelings in consumer behavior, allowing them to form a strong bond with the brand.

Why is it crucial to know how your brand is perceived?

The sum of people’s experiences, attitudes, and sentiments about a product or service is known as brand perception. Brands shift the needle when their target audiences have a positive view of them: After having a favorable experience with a brand, 77% of consumers are more likely to suggest it to others.

Every skincare advertisement attempts to affect consumers’ emotions and the consumer decision-making process in order to establish a good brand perception. They use emotional imagery to get customers’ attention. Skincare companies have also observed that most people love beauty, so they utilize beautiful imagery to elicit positive emotions. However, individuals have little control over which emotions are triggered.

Customer perception of your brand, on the other hand, is determined by them. The way customers perceive your brand may make or break it, and influence the consumer decision-making process regardless of your product type.  

It is the responsibility of brands to understand their customers and do all possible to improve their image. They can achieve this by producing a branded TV commercial, running YouTube advertisements, or asking their consumers to leave online reviews. Consumer perceptions of a brand can be shifted from unfavorable to positive due to such interactions. 

A brand owner may believe they know exactly what their brand represents. However, that image may simply reflect their own desires, not those of customers.  

Consumers, not brands, are in charge of brand perception. Your brand is what customers are talking about and thinking about it, regardless of the message you employ to market it. Consumers will form feelings and thoughts regarding a brand when they hear, see, or engage with it. Brand perception is the total of all of these sentiments and thoughts expressed by all customers.

Ways Brands Can Influence Consumer Purchasing

Your brand’s personality gives your customers a sense of familiarity and attractiveness. It fosters a bond between your audience and your products, bridging the gap between them. On that topic, consider the three ways in which brand personality influences consumer behavior positively:

Promotes Loyalty

As you can see, a brand personality is nothing more than the message that your company sends to its customers. When your message is in line with the needs of your customers, they will begin to buy from you on a regular basis.

Despite the advent of several cellphones that are more sophisticated and powerful than the iPhone, it continues to have a dedicated following. They are devoted to the Apple brand because their messaging met their demands at one time or another.

Customers purchase an item not for its features or price, but for the extent to which the brand has driven to build itself as something that they can rely on in the longterm.

Changes purchasing decisions

The purchasing process begins when a problem develops, and clients begin looking for solutions. Customers looking for these services must choose from a variety of possibilities. Now, by using one of these solutions, you can use the power of brand personality to influence people in the consumer market to choose you. Your brand should be a response to the customer’s current needs, which is communicated through the brand personality.

Customers are converted into influencers

Customers are more likely to trust a brand that their friends and family use and trust. According to a poll, 92 percent of consumers are more likely to follow a brand that their family and peers promote.

A powerful brand personality will encourage customers to not only buy your goods, but also to suggest it to others who share their likes. If your brand personality is around being environmentally conscious, for example, a nature enthusiast will promote your brand to another nature lover when they meet. Your consumer, not you, will be the one persuading your focus audience to buy from you.

Peer Influence is important

According to Nielsen, 92 percent of the consumer market believe referrals from family and friends, therefore a lot of consumers are more likely to trust a company that has been trusted and embraced by their peers. They also put their faith in other products made by the same company.

According to Esteban Kolsky, 72% of customers will advise at least six people about a favourable encounter. On the other side, 13% of dissatisfied consumers will tell at least 15 people about their bad experience.

Consumers will respond better to a consumer influence marketing strategy that emphasizes a brand’s personality rather than its price or features. This will result in increased brand advocacy and sales.

Builds Loyalty and Trust

Branding will not only attract your target audience’s attention, but it will also allow them to become familiar with your brand. Consumer trust in the brand frequently follows this knowledge. Consumers who trust your brand will return to buy your items again and again, eventually resulting in brand influence and loyalty. Brand loyalty is essential for long-term sales and brand expansion.

Customers are likely to attest to the fact that their brand is about quality and customer service, according to brand marketers. A pleasant customer satisfaction, social media strategy, and online reviews all contribute to the trust and loyalty of your business. Customers will come back for more if you focus on pleasing them.

Symbolizes status

This is why many entrepreneurs may consider several logo ideas before deciding on the best one. They recognize that a single image may convey ideals that hundreds of words could only try to convey.

The benefits connected with a brand’s offerings are communicated through branding. Consumers, for example, purchase iPhones because of their perceived value. It’s also worth remembering that status and prestige denote more than just a hefty price tag; they also denote quality.

Mobile app for Shopify store

Having a mobile app for your Shopify store is a fantastic way of influencing your customers’ behavior by offering them ease of usage and a smooth purchasing experience.

Appmaker is a Shopify mobile app builder that lets you develop stunning native Android and iOS Shopify store mobile apps without knowing how to code. We provide cutting-edge features that will set your app out from the competition. So turn your Shopify store into a mobile app today in just few simple steps and drive more sales of your eCommerce store hassle-free.

Take away

Customers are the true proprietors of the brand, and it is for them to consume the final products. As a result, brand personality should be developed with the customer’s self-image in mind so that they may interact with your brand effectively. Consumer behavior toward businesses will radically change if brands communicate to their customers how much quality their products contribute to their lives rather than focusing on price.

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