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10 eCommerce email marketing campaigns every business should run

A recent study revealed that eCommerce email marketing is responsible for 7% of all ecommerce transactions. A well-executed email campaign for your eCommerce business is sure to push more customers down the funnel to make a successful purchase event.

Let’s take a look at what an eCommerce email marketing is and the essential set of mails every eCommerce store owner must look at.

eCommerce email marketing

Ecommerce email marketing is a set of activities carried out in order to reach the customers, drive sales and boost conversions. Growing a customer base, building mailing list and efficiently using them from time to time comprise the major part of a marketing campaign.

email campaign for eCommerce

The form or tone of communication that you want to have with your customers is determined largely in the process of relationship building. As the relation with your customer evolves the these factors will also change.

Here are 10 essential email campaigns that every eCommerce business should run:

Welcome email

Well-begun is half done, right?

A warm welcome mail cheers up your new customers for sure. It is proven that this gesture drives 3% more revenue growth. You can have a single email welcoming your customer and setting the right expectations.

Plan to send at least three emails or more as a part of your welcome email campaign. Also, use this opportunity to ask your subscribers to follow you on social media. However, it is a good practice to remind them how you got their email address, so that they don’t unsubscribe the emails.

Order confirmation email

A prompt confirmation of a purchase made, shows outstanding customer support by explaining the delivery process. It also is an excellent opportunity to showcase your curated content such as product guides, or your best-selling products. Moreover, this helps you generate more sales by allowing the subscribers to choose what they want to explore more about. 

Order confirmation emails are also a way of setting customer expectations and explaining the deliver process details.

Upsell & Cross-sell email

Upselling and cross-selling email campaigns are widely used to bring in more customer retention and engagement.

To be more clear, upselling is the process through which the buyer is invited to buy an expensive product to boost the average cart value. Similarly, cross-selling means recommending another product that is related to the item in the cart. Both these strategies encourage the customers to buy more or at least consider coming back to the store again.

Post-purchase email

Post-purchase emails are as important as the welcoming emails. They 27% of the customers come back for for another purchase, says a recent research. Ideally, post-purchase emails can be best used for collecting customer reviews.

It can also include some exciting discount offers customized for them to use in their purchase. What an efficient way to make them come back to your store, right?

Engagement email

Planning to run a campaign to drive sales in the upcoming off-season? Well, sending winning engagement emails is what you have to do. Engagement emails focus on gaining your customers’ attention and to get them into an purchasing event.

The main intention behind this email campaign should be to give readers a reason to engage with your campaigns and remember, make it memorable. 

Abandoned cart email

Cart abandonment emails are sent to customers who add products in their cart and then leave your store without making a purchase.

In order to regain those customers, remind them about the products that they have left in the cart. Address them with their first name in the email and highlight the offers on the product with its pictures. You may also create a sense of urgency by adding a time-sensitive discount on the product.

Re-engagement email

Turning an inactive subscriber into a customer is not an easy task. But studies suggest it is easier than creating a new customer. Re-engagement emails help you pursue those customers who haven’t made any purchase lately.

The emails can tell them about the new best-selling products, offers and any other promotions that interests them to make a purchase again.

Curated email

Curated emails are more like newsletter from an eCommerce store that intimates its customers or subscribers about the latest arrivals, blog posts, product guides, or the best-selling products.

The advantage of having a curated email campaign is that it lets the readers to select what they want to see. Furthermore, it helps the store owners to segment the audience based on their tastes.

Referral email

Need an instant boost to increase you customer database?

Run a referral program and send emails to all your customers. Provide a referral code so that they can earn a discount or reward, if they refer their friends. This strategy is a win-win for all the parties involved. Carrying out a referral email campaign from time-to-time pushes your customers to do a favorable action.

Holiday email

The time just before the holidays usually see a surge in sales. This is because people will be planning to buy gifts for the dear ones or for themselves the welcome the forth coming vacation.

So, reach out to your customers and let them know the perks of holiday purchases and holiday special best-sellers you have in store for them.

Final word

While planning eCommerce email marketing campaigns, remember that sequencing is more important than the strategy. This is because, you are expecting the customers to invest some time to read your emails.

Also, when it comes to strategy, try to develop a unique brand identity in terms of the voice, tone and visual presentation.

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