1. Mobile App Builder
  2. WooCommerce

This is how you create an Android eCommerce App without Coding-2022

Of course, the best first step that you can take while starting an online business is creating a website. But did you ask yourself whether your website is all you want for your business to be successful?. Well, I guess that’s why you are here. You know how important mobile apps can be for your business. Here I meant both the Android and iOS apps. There is eCommerce business which has witnessed increase conversions up to 300% using mobile apps when compared to websites. It’s not just the eCommerce store owners that benefit from the apps, there are benefits for the store owners too. The list is long, It starts from remote purchasing to better pricing and varieties. Before getting to building an Android eCommerce app, let’s see why it’s important to create an Android and iOS app.

build app easily using android eCommerce app builder

Adapting to the digital world has made users love eCommerce shopping. When once it was an eCommerce website, people did their shopping on PCs, and the emergence of smartphones assured better shopping methods. Then there were web apps, which literally wrap your whole website into a mobile website. Web apps are easy to build, but they cannot be uploaded to the Appstore or Play Store. This is the major reason why you need to build iOS and Android eCommerce apps.

There are records that say that about 64% of smartphone users prefer iOS and Android eCommerce apps. And, among the Android mobile users, about 21% of people use the eCommerce Android app for shopping.

Ways to build an eCommerce Android App

If you are up to creating an Android eCommerce app, let’s not jump to conclusions. Here are three possible ways which you can adapt to create an Android eCommerce app for your eCommerce website.

First steps of building an eCommerce Android app

Lets take a look into it.

You can develop your Android eCommerce app using 3 options.

1. Hire an app development team:

Hiring an Android eCommerce app development team saves you from spending time bothering about getting the eCommerce app build. This method keeps your time, and you can engage yourself in your eCommerce business.

Buildning an andoird eCommerce app with the help of app development agency

But the main disadvantage is, an app development team could cause you a considerable amount. Furthermore, for every maintenance and updation, you will have to rely on the development team and spend more money on that.

For example, if you want an additional payment gateway in your eCommerce app, you’ll need to consult the eCommerce app development team for this.

2. Be the developer

The next choice is that develop the app all by yourself. This step is considerable if you are a developer. By doing so. You get to implement all the features just as you wanted it to be.

To create

Working on your own project has advantages like, you no longer have to depend on a third party and you can take your time building one.

3. App builder

The third option is to choose an eCommerce app builder. When the first and second options for building your eCommerce app don’t suit you, an app builder will be just perfect. as it helps to make an Android app without coding.

Choosing an app builder, gives you the combined advantages of hiring a development team and building an app by yourself.

Like, an app builder lets you build the app and it requires no coding skills. This pre-built app builder will be dedicated and you can get your app instantly.

Appmaker- Android app maker

If an app builder is your choice to build an app, choosing the right one is important. You have to take a deeper look into the app builder’s features and customization provided.

Among the existing eCommerce app builders, Appmaker offers the best features and customization for Android eCommerce apps.

Learn how to create an Android app without coding with an eCommerce app builder:

1. A dashboard to create and manage app

An app builder like Appmaker, lets you create Android apps without coding and manage the entire app. They provide a dashboard for this. It is from the dashboard the whole eCommerce app is controlled.

Dashboard provided by appmaker to build android eCommerce apps

The highlight features of the dashboard include,

  • Code-Free app
  • Real-time update
  • Drag and Drop Builder
  • Customizable
  • Live Preview of the eCommerce app

Just as pointed out, Appmaker provides a codeless app builder to manage the app. This dashboard feature lets anyone even without technical knowledge to build their own app.

With the real-time app updation, any change that is made in the dashboard is shown. That is, the user need not download the app update from Playstore.

Appmaker has brought in simplicity to build an eCommerce app. You can build the app by just drag and drop.

For example, to add a discount banner to your android ecommerce app all you need is just drag and drop the banner into the In- App pages.

dashboard to manage your eCommerce iOS and Android apps
Creating an In-app page

Customization is one main feature that you’ll need if you are building an eCommerce app. Because it is on the go that you’ll learn that you need a plugin integration or need to change your app theme or home page.
If you chose the wrong app builder, then there are chances to get stuck in the middle.

customising eCommerce APKs

Appmaker lets you create an app and customize its features whenever required.

The live preview of the app, lets you view how the app will be when changes are made to it. This lets you analyze and choose the best designs and themes for your app.

2. Push notifications

send push notification for eCommerce android app

Appmaker lets you send personalized push notification through the app. you can increase customer retention rate and boost sales by sending push notifications to the targeted audience.

3. Analytics

Google analytics for eCommerce apps

Appmaker’s eCommerce app builder is integrated with both Google and Firebase Analytics. This allows you to monitor the eCommerce business stats and implement business growth strategies.

4. Live Chat Integrated apps

You can make your app more customer-centric by enabling live chat options in your eCommerce app. Thereby you can solve customers queries and request instantly.

5. Multilingual apps

Build your eCommerce Android app with multi-language support. Appmaker’s eCommerce app builder lets you app any number of language to the app. By doing so, you can acquire customers from various countries and thus you expand your business.


Choosing an app builder rather than hiring an agency or developing an eCommerce app by yourself, gives you effective results. Because an app builder can provide you the advantages of both.

You can save time and make the necessary customization using an app builder. Moreover, app updation can be done bone by yourself.

With Appmaker’s eCommerce android app builder, you can convert your eCommerce website into eCommerce apps in just minutes. The dashboard makes things simpler as it is codeless. The app builder comes with all the latest features and plugin support that are essential for an Android app without coding.

Furthermore, with Appmaker it isn’t just about app building, they assist you throughout by providing 24/7 support and making your you have set your sails with eCommerce apps.

Get Free consultation from eCommerce app experts before you start building an app.

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