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How WPLounge increased user engagement with a WordPress app?

WPLounge is a Dutch WordPress Website which is all about WordPress. The Website has contents that every WordPress website owner should know about. In this article, you can look forward to how WPLounge created a Stunning WordPress app for their website.

Just as I mentioned, the website of WPLounge is an informational blog. And, the audience is mainly the WordPress Website Owners.

The website includes tutorials about all the subjects regarding WordPress and Plugins. It consists of a log of plugins, their features, and functionalities. Furthermore, The site gives you a collection of WordPress themes and a beginner’s guide for everything regarding WordPress.

Building the App

WPLounge app builder

It was Appmaker’s WordPress app builder that was used by WPLounge to create an app for their site. The app was built using the top features. Let’s look into it individually.

Read on to know more about the WordPress app feature of WPLounge app.

The Native app

The WPLounge WordPress app is a pure native app. Therefore, the app is highly responsive. With the native app, the articles, and post loads instantly which made the app users get engaged with the app.

Native apps are one of the main highlight features that is offered by Appmaker, A native app offers much security, and they can access the features of a local device.

And, ultimately they deliver excellent user experience.

Opens with a Launch screen

The app of WPLounge has a launch screen also called splash screen which has its logo. A launch screen here introduces the app to the users while the app gets loaded.

Splash screen build using best WordPress App builder

This app entry element can improve app UX and brand value. Every time the app is opened, the logo of the brand is shown. This helps to build a relation between the users and the brand.

The app is Admob integrated

admob integration for WordPress App
AdMob Integrated WordPress App

Just as monetizing a WordPress website, it can be done on the mobile app. The newly released app of WPLounge has added an in-app page within the mobile app which gives the details about adding an Advertisement to the app.

Well-Arranged Home In-app pages:

The WPLounche app has a very pleasing look, the In-app pages are well arranged, and it paves a path for the users to scroll more. For every page on the website, WPLounche has created separate in-app pages in their WordPress app.

In Order to deliver varity looks for the apps, Appmaker offers 8+Widgets with which In-app pages can be beautifully arranged.

WordPress app builder

Here, WPLounge has used widgets like Banners, Sliders, and scrollers to create stunning In-App pages.

A structured navigation

It is not necessary that all the users know what your app exactly provides. So giving a brief idea about the app and its content is essential. And for this WPLounge created a navigation menu within the app.

And it Looks like this,

As you can see, the navigation menu created by WPLounge lists out all the In-App pages and options that are available Within the app. By doing so, the app users can easily grasp the services provided.

Although, Creating an app menu is not a big deal when it’s being done using Appmaker.

A dashboard view of navigation bar

WordPress App provided by Appmaker is entirely customizable. The app owner can create and edit the menu as per his will whenever wanted through the CMS provided by Appmaker.

Share Socially

Shocial sharing fro WordPress App

The WPLounge app allows its users to share the app content socially. The social share option has helped WPLounge acquire new users. Social Sharing influences users in making decisions and purchases.

Customer retention through Push Notification

WPLounge Uses Personalized push notification to reach out the app users. Sending notifications about the latest news and articles helped WPLounge increase customer retention.

Push notification for WordPress app

Appmaker offers unlimited push notifications for WordPress app letting the Admin send personalized messages.

Drag and Drop Dashboard

With the dashboard provided by Appmaker, WPLounge was able to manage their WordPress app smoothly. The CMS is entirely code-free, and the admin can control the app by just dragging and dropping. Therefore, the app owner can make updates and relevant changes whenever required.

Customizable WordPress app dashboard provided by Appmaker

The app admin can change the overall look of the app using Appmaker’s WordPress Dashboard.

For example, From the App icon, name everything in the app is completely customizable. And every time the changes are made, it is reflected immediately in the app.

Customizable WordPress app dashboard provided by Appmaker

In brief…

Building an app was a perfect step that WPLounge took. It helped them increase engagement, acquire new users and of course, boost their brand value.

Codeless Appbuilder

A mobile app for WordPress Websites like WPLounge is primary. Whether it be a blog or a news channel, a mobile app can potentially boost your online business without much effort.

Not yet have built an App for your WordPress Website?

Appmaker Provides codeless app builder, which let anyone build a quality app for their WordPress Website.

Impressed With WPLounge app? View it on Google PlayStore

WPLounge WordPress app in Google PLayStore

Come Explore more features with Appmaker’s WordPress app builder.

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