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WPML Plugin Review- Is it the best Multilingual Plugin for your Store?

Have got plans to extend your eCommerce store to other countries?

If you are ever wondering about this, one first step to take is to turn your WooCommerce store into a multilingual website. Because language is essential for global business. There you have to describe your eCommerce store, introduce the products and explain them and above all convince the shoppers to buy the products.

WPML review

WooCommerce plugins are like icing for a cake. They make WooCommerce stores enhanced with better performance and features. Likewise, there are

Likewise, Among the existing Multilingual plugins for WooCommerce stores, WPML stays top on the list.

In this article, you can learn about the characteristics and features of WPML Multilingual Plugin.

WPML Multilingual plugin

This is one among the top Multilingual plugin which you can integrate for your WooCommerce. WPML can translate the whole content in your WooCommerce store. And switching between the languages is possible with this plugin. In a word WPML lets you add and manage multiple languages by installing a single plugin.

Let’s look into each feature of WPML plugin

1. Installation

  • The initial step in configuring WPML is downloading the WPML multilingual plugin from the WordPress page and activating it in your WooCommerce store.
  • Once the activation is completed, the plugin will direct you to the next steps making the integration simple.
  • The Auto Integration of WPML includes identifying your default WooCommerce store’s language and either you can proceed with it or change if required.
  • Even though WPML works fine with most of the WordPress Themes, There are some with which it does not go well.

2.Translation features

A customizable language switcher is provided by WPML. You can add the switcher anywhere in your WooCommerce store.

The customizable language switcher includes

  • Arranging the order of the language list
  • Style of language switcher
  • Number of languages

What gets translated?

WPML translation can is applicable to all the posts, product description and specification, tags, categories and all other texts in your WooCommerce page.

WPML Add-ons for WooCommerce

Besides the core plugin WPML comes with Add-On which enhances the performance of your WooCommerce Store.

WooCommerce Multilingual: This Add-on is used to translate the product description, specification, names all other attributes.

WPML all import: You can migrate Multilingual content to WordPress using WPML all import

MailChimp for WordPress Multilingual: This is a Glue plugin which makes translation easier using WPML content which is provided in MailChimp.

Contact form & multilingual: Once a Form is created, you can translate it into all the languages supported in your websites


WPML is a powerful tool with which you can make your eCommerce store multilingual. Irrespective of the content it let you translate the whole WooCommerce page.

With WPML you can enjoy the easy installation and works fine with all WooCommerce updates.

The Multilingual plugins offered by WPML enhances the performance of your WooCommerce website. And the Add-Ons, Which you can choose for your website make it even more enhanced.

Even though WPML does not support all the WordPress Theme, it works fine with most of the popular themes, and it is well SEO optimized.

Overall WPML is one best WooCommerce theme which can be installed for your WooCommerce store. And we give it a 4.3 rating out of 5.

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