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Beginner’s Checklist for Home Page Optimization

Homepage optimization aims at guiding the visitors to have a positive user experience and offer the best content for your audience. In other words, homepage optimization improves conversions and create a better connection between your homepage and the search engines.

Homepage optimization essentials

Explore the following optimization checklist to ensure, and build a reliable, powerful starting place for customers to search your site.

1. Optimize logo and title

Make sure that you showcase your logo on the homepage itself. It promotes your homepage by building your brand identity. It improves brand visibility on all online media wherever your brand is mentioned. Also, it promotes online presence by leading all social media.

Furthermore, make sure that the image filename has the name of your website. Also, add alt text that also holds your website name.

2. Display product information

Your homepage is the face of your business. For the same reason, it is important that you mention the products and services you offer and how you are unique from your competitors. Providing concise product info will consistently lessen your bounce rate considerably.

3. Optimize the website for mobile

It is observed that more than 50% of the google searches are done from mobiles. Therefore, it is wise to make your website mobile-friendly. With the inception of the mobile-first index, Google has started using a different algorithm for mobile sites. It is vital to keep the basic SEO configurations (titles, descriptions, h1, etc.) optimized in order to have a better ranking.

Alternatively, you can create an app for your website to add even customized pages for better optimization.

4. Include media to your homepage

Visual content is more impactful than textual content and also, easily attracts customers. Using impactful images in between the chunks of textual content will improve the appearance of your homepage. Include all types of media such as images, videos, and other interactive media.

Try to use a video on the homepage and make sure that it is available on YouTube or any streaming device.

5. Ensure quality backlinks

Ensuring quality backlinks is vital for homepage optimization as it helps you send a signal to search engines that another website or webpage can vouch for your content. Backlinks from popular and trustworthy websites create a feeling that your content is worth linking.

6. Keyword optimization

Another important that you need to ensure is to include the primary keyword that you want to rank for in the title tag and H1 tag. This helps Google to comprehend what your site is and what it wants to rank it for. It is better not to use all the target keywords on the homepage itself. Instead, you can put the additional key pages in the internal pages and use only 1 or 2 words on the homepage.

Here’s an exclusive keyword research checklist for Ahrefs users to make the home optimization promise even better.

7. Optimize site structure and navigation

The homepage is the core of your website. Your site architecture helps Google to analyze and rank your site in a better way. Giving additional links in the footer is a smart practice to help customers find their way around your site.

For example, add links such as new arrivals, season’s sales,s or best sellers to facilitate better navigation.

8. Accentuate CTAs

Call To Actions (CTAs) play a key role in converting visitors to customers. CTAs help you develop your business by inviting your customers to contact you, submit your email, subscribe to a newsletter, check the pricing, or fill out a form.

Make sure that the CTAs stand out on the homepage in such was that it induces a sense of urgency and encourage future conversations.

Final thoughts

what are you waiting for? Run this checklist by your homepage and assure your webpage a better ranking with search engines!

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