
  1. Appmaker
  2. Checklist
  3. Mobile App Builder
  4. Others
Before we begin our discussion on Firebase in-app messaging, let’s check out some statistical facts. According to Statista, there are 3.5 billion smartphone users in the world today – This data means that in the world of wireless, 45.12% of the world’s population has a smartphone today. With the sky-rocketing increase in the number of […]
  1. WooCommerce
Analytics Having an eCommerce app and not tracking down things is not going to help improve your online business. Google provides Firebase Analytics for eCommerce which helps you monitor and take necessary actions to grow your online business. This article introduces the applications of Google Firebase Analytics for eCommerce. Dashboard: Google Analytics provides a dashboard […]
  1. Appmaker
  2. Mobile App Marketing
  3. WooCommerce
Irrespective of the size of a business or industry, customer segmentation can be done by businesses. It helps them make informed decisions. Let’s explore more in to the topic and get started with the basics. What is customer segmentation? Customer segmentation is the process of grouping customers into clusters based on common attributes. This helps organizations to […]
  1. Mobile App Marketing
  2. WooCommerce
The Avengers were able to save the world with their superpowers (Of Course!), teamwork (nothing possible without teamwork) and predictions about which universe he was going to conquer next. With appropriate predictions, proper planning, precautions, and attack-ready, the Avengers saved the world! Wondering why I am talking about Avengers in a Firebase analytics blog? You […]