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Mobile Commerce Trends to follow in 2021

Trends in eCommerce and mobile commerce have been changing since the world started fighting with the Covid-19 pandemic. Many businesses have been hit badly and still trying to recover from the damage. But one industry that has grown at a rapid rate is the eCommerce industry. There is no doubt that the industry is still on its way to higher success. This is the right time to invest in an eCommerce website that can take you much ahead than you would have thought. According to a survey the eCommerce business has grown from $3.530 trillion to $4.200 in the year 2021 and is expected to be doubled and even triple in 2021.

But it is always important to keep a note of the eCommerce and mobile trends to plan and develop your strategies.

More mobile commerce trends to follow

According to a survey, these are a few of the trends and forecast you can catch up for 2021:

General eCommerce trends in 2021

1. ECommerce industry will be known to a larger group who will start accepting this industry amidst the pandemic.

2. Mobile commerce is going to grow drastically in 2021 as most online retails are on a mission to be mobile-friendly.

3. The eCommerce industry is expected to increase and grow by 12%.

4. ECommerce will no longer be restricted to few countries. The spectrum is broader with cross-border eCommerce.

5. The digital crowd has shown a drastic increase in a survey with is helping the industry to grow drastically. The low-cost internet and various plans for the internet have brought light to the digital population.

Trends in eCommerce strategies 2021

1. Augmented Reality will help in further growth of the industry.

2. Data analytics are of great use and increasing fame. It helps your business to provide customers with a customized shopping experience as per their needs. This tool will help you in the long run.

3. Hassle-free delivery is gaining more importance in the e-commerce industry during the current pandemic.

4. The various customer loyalty program is going to bring a sharp growth in the revenue.

5. The payment options in 2021 are branching out to various options to take the industry to a higher level and making it more trustable. E-wallets have relieved a lot of customers.

Trends in eCommerce categories 2021

1. The media, electronics (especially household electric goods), and the fashion hub will keep growing for more years.

2. Books, movies, games are things that are bought in bulk and will continue to grow mobile commerce.

3. . Hobbies and DIY’s are selling easily during the pandemic. When people spend more time at home selling hobbies and DIY’s are becoming a trend in the internet world.

4. Food and personal care or hygiene products are on the grow and most trending in 2021.

5. The restricted movement of kids has brought more demand for products like toys. The different variety of products under this category is in the growing scale.


To conclude, the eCommerce industry has come to grow and won’t go back unlike other industries. There will be a lot of changes in technologies with a lot of advancements and changes. The eCommerce industry has already found its place, even in places where people were not keen on using digital platforms due to various insecurities. But the pandemic has brought a major shift to this. People have started trusting various payment options.

Sources: Statista and fullestop.com

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