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How to Improve Your Customer Retention Strategies

Customer retention strategies need continuous improvement as the behavior and tastes of the customer change dynamically from time to time.

There are various stages in a business to reach the profit stage. It starts from finding the targeted audience, converts them to customers, and the final stage of conversion. 2020 was the year of the start of the pandemic, and many eCommerce websites got a boom in their businesses. They got more customers added to their list. But many businesses end it there. Once a customer is there they don’t realize that it is also important to retain the customers.

Customer Retention Strategies

Customer is the key to a successful business. It is tough to get customers on board, but it’s even tougher to retain them for a long period. Here are a few methods to improve your customer retention strategies.

Customize customer service

Change your style from the normal customer service. Add a personalized touch to each customer with a surprise. This will help you to build a rapport with your customers and make sure they come back to you. They will feel special with small gestures. A small thing like a birthday wish or an anniversary wish can get you a long way.

Find out customer expectation

You need to always meet your customer’s expectations. You should not stop by just answering their queries. Know deep about their expectations of your products by knowing them closely. Make sure to commit to things that you can fulfill. Don’t give fake promises for a single purchase. This way you cant retain your customer.


Maintain a calendar to communicate to your customers on a regular basis even after the sales circle. It can be a simple note or a call asking if all is fine and are they getting benefits out of your product. This triggers trust in your customer and makes them feel your company is dependable at any time. There are many online apps for this kind of calendar. This automation will help you to retain your loyal customers.

Keep up promises

Make sure you stick to the work you give your customers. If not your customers may get agitated and won’t get back to you. If you give them a date of delivery, deliver it on the same day or even 2 days before. But never delay it. That is indirectly losing your customer.

Customer complaints

Deal with customer complaints and never ignore them. This is the best way to find the fault in your product. If you address these issues immediately your customers will end up being loyal to you as they are being heard. Around 70% of the customers whose problems are solved on time will end up being your regular customers.


Conduct regular webinars. Webinars have helped a lot of e-commerce businesses retain their customers. It helps your customers to know your product and services in detail. It also acts as a lead generation tool.

Content marketing

Content marketing always helps you to retain customers. Publishing images, podcasts, videos, or anything attracting to the eye helps to retain customers as it is a way of constant reminders for the customer.

Genuine reviews

Make sure you maintain unbiased reviews if you want to retain customers. Don’t hide the negative comments. Keep all the comments on your site so that new customers can go as per their wishes. Unbiased reviews help to build trust with new customers. The majority of Online sales happen through reviews. Customers always do a review check before making a purchase.

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