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Nosto and Appmaker Integration: Deliver Personalized Search Experience on Mobile Apps

A personalized search experience is the best way to make an online customer feel unique while shopping. The majority of online merchants attempt to make their website visitors feel like royalty, and it succeeds. This insight is not exclusive to marketers of luxury brands.

Appmaker is a no-code Shopify mobile app builder that transforms the look and feel of your Shopify site and boosts sales. It’s important for business owners to be aware of these new formats and trends so that they can reach their audiences in the best way possible!

Benefits of eCommerce Personalization

It does take some effort to provide a tailored shopping experience throughout the purchasing cycle. To develop personalized search experiences that amaze people from the first touchpoint and throughout what will ideally turn into a lifelong relationship takes consideration and the appropriate technical tooling. So, is the investment worthwhile? A quick glance at the statistics will reveal that the answer is an unambiguous “YES.”

  • When personalization is used, marketers report an average 20% boost in sales.
  • 77% of consumers have suggested, chosen, or even agreed to pay more for a customized experience.
  • 80% of consumers claim they are more inclined to make a purchase from a business that offers a personalized experience.

And it isn’t exactly shocking, is it? We are all inundated with marketing messages, therefore it requires something unique for us to pay attention to an advertisement or product. We will only click on and perhaps even make a purchase on those that feel precisely right and pertinent to our individual situation or need.

Choosing an eCommerce personalization platform

The following factors should be taken into account when selecting an eCommerce personalization platform:

Ability to take action against anonymous users

Software that enables website personalization for a first-time visitor to a site can help address the issue of new consumers not providing adequate data. A first-time visitor’s preferences can frequently be inferred from the referring website and then offer them a personalized search. A new visitor can be made to feel welcome by using third-party data from data aggregators to complete the image.

Segmentation capabilities that are automated

If a company wishes to target particular market segments, it must consider which market segments should be identified and how to best appeal to them. There are automated segment discovery technologies that can help locate segments and their characteristics.

Omnichannel assistance

Any omnichannel personalization platform in a multi-channel world should be able to target the whole customer journey across devices and channels. Personalization restricted to the desktop misses the rising significance of mobile devices. The personalization system must be integrated so that the brand can evaluate customer behavior across all of its active channels and have a single view of its customers. When a customer uses a variety of devices to visit the website, they also require a consistent and smooth experience.

Layout customization

One of the essential criteria of high-quality eCommerce personalization is the capacity to reconstruct site style and structure, adapted for individual preferences. Layout personalization should ideally suit the demands of the customer while taking into account past choices. This means that what the customer sees on each page should be based on accumulated knowledge about the customer and the new information presented by current behavior.

Scalability flexibility

Flexibility is essential. A smart eCommerce personalization solution should enable a company to benefit from the evolving consumer experience. The best personalization and conversion rate enhancement tool should give marketers the flexibility to offer their content in a way that appeals to their target audience aesthetically.


Platforms for micro-targeting eCommerce personalization must enable marketers to pinpoint specific client behaviors in as much detail as necessary. Brands can better structure their offers to appeal to specific client niches the more precisely they can target their customers. One-on-one targeting, a type of eCommerce personalization software that can view clients as whole persons, is ideal, yet challenging to implement.

What is Nosto?

Nosto is a powerful eCommerce personalization platform that helps online businesses increase conversions and revenues. Nosto integrates with Appmaker, allowing a personalized search for each visitor. This ensures that your readers see the most relevant and targeted content, which leads to more engaged readers and higher conversion rates.

Through overlays, email retargeting, and strategic client recapture, Nosto delivers consumer re-engagement. Nosto accomplishes this in an innovative way by anticipating the visitor’s actions based on their mouse activity on the monitor. This “exit intent” action tracking then sends a unique, tailored recapture email to entice the customer to return to the website and finish the transaction.

Why Nosto?

If you are looking to take your online store to the next level, Nosto is the perfect solution. Nosto is an AI-powered personalization platform that helps you increase conversions and average order value. With Nosto, you can create dynamic customer profiles, segment your customers, and deliver highly personalized search experiences across all channels.

Nosto integrates with Appmaker to provide you with the most comprehensive solution for personalizing your blog content. With Nosto, you can segment your readers based on their behavior and interests, and deliver targeted content that resonates with them. This results in higher engagement rates and more conversions.

Nosto also provides you with insightful data about your readers’ behavior so that you can continuously optimize your content strategy. If you want to take your online store to the next level, Nosto is the perfect solution for you.

How does it work with Appmaker?

Nosto’s integration with Appmaker allows you to automatically add products to your eCommerce app with intelligent recommendations. This makes it easy for you to keep your products up-to-date and relevant to your customers with a more streamlined personalized search.

In order to ensure the success and satisfaction of the eCommerce stores it is affiliated with, Appmaker is continually trying to improve eCommerce Personalization and extend its multitude of features and functionalities. By directly benefiting other app users, you can attract a whole new group of potential customers with your app’s unique selling proposition.

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