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Sesami Booking Integration with Appmaker: Offering a Personalized Booking Experience

Do your consumers have to make reservations for the services you offer through your Shopify store? In this blog, lets discuss more about booking appointment apps!

Maybe you hire out apartments or other spaces, give coaching or lessons, offer home services, or sell event tickets. Perhaps you are even a doctor? Or do you offer a customizing solution that requires appointments for fittings?

All of this requires customers to use a booking service with you. You only need a Shopify appointment app as a store addition. There are a number of plugins and apps that work well with Shopify or were created for it to help clients make reservations.

What are booking appointment apps?

To put it simply, you can make an appointment online using the booking services app. Online reservations are the most preferred option in the majority of business sectors today. Apps for booking services are also gaining popularity and becoming more widely used by both individuals and groups. Online reservations can help organisations manage the setup, maintenance, and creation of customer information and discounts.

Customers can make online service appointment bookings using the Shopify apps. Hospitals, clinics, and beauty care facilities frequently offer this service to clients who wish to use their facilities. Recently, Shopify calendar apps for mobile devices were created, with iOS and Android serving as the main operating systems.

Clients who need to set an appointment for services in a brick and mortar store, such as beauty treatments, medical attention, eyeglasses, and so forth, can use this app to do so. It also provides clear and timely news about business unit initiatives and incentives.

Making a reservation is meant to help customers receive the best preparation possible for their planned plans. However, the benefits of making reservations in advance let people be more proactive in controlling expenses and money in accordance with their needs.

How to choose a perfect booking appointment app?

Consider the following features while choosing a bookking app for your business:

A Perfect Booking Experience: A perfect booking experience should provide consumers with the greatest and most personalised booking experience possible by using the most user-friendly Shopify calendar and booking software.

Maximum Sales & Team Efficiency: The ideal tool needed to run a business successfully and profit more! For instance, team management, time buffers, and Google calendar synchronisation.

Effortless Shopify Integration: The booking app that you choose should be able to integrate seamlessly with any Shopify-powered device (web, software, or POS) and utilize numerous marketing tools by using the product-as-a-service business model.

Sesami: Appointment Booking

Sesami Appointment Booking app for Shopify describes itself as the easiest Shopify calendar and booking app. The app was developed by business owners who are aware of the difficulties faced by organizations based on the selling-time-based business model. In order to give clients a seamless and customized shopping experience, it offers a complete booking system.

Sesami: Booking App- Features

Sesami with its unique characteristics, this booking app will be an valuable addition to the mobile app for your Shopify store.

With Sesami, you can now incorporate bookings into the products in your Shopify store and have a straightforward yet effective booking system. Customers may plan appointments and rent things from your store by simply selecting their preferred time slots, date, and time zone.

When it comes to running an online booking firm, there might be several booking scenarios. Without a doubt, you’ll select the option that best meets the demands of your booking business.

How does it work with Appmaker?

For the benefit of the ecommerce businesses it partners with, Appmaker is continually trying to improve customer engagement and extend our eCommerce ecosystem. By directly benefitting other app users, you can attract a whole new group of potential clients with your app’s unique selling proposition.

Appmaker allows seamless integration for offering a personalized booking experience. With Sesami Shopify app you can increase revenue, sell appointments, and improve team performance. Appmaker integration with Sesami, supports multiple languages and global time-zone to let you provide a super-personalized experience to your customers.

Key Attributes

  • Sesami supports numerous time zones and languages.
  • It supports synchronising with Google Calendar.
  • It is quick and easy to schedule and postpone events using Shopify and Shopify POS.
  • Sesami gives additional time for cleanup after appointments are finished.
  • You are prompted to take action through a “Book me” button.

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