Thinking to move ahead with converting your eCommerce business to mCommerce? You’ll be hearing all about the necessity of having a mobile app. Before you jump to a conclusion, let’s check out what your users expect from a mobile app.
A mobile app without these features? Oh, No…
Super speed (Fast & Reliable):
This is the first reason why you need an app for your website. slow like a snail, websites take time to load. Apps have caching property and this makes apps faster and hence reliable.
NoAccount checkout (guest Checkout):
Shoppers will not be always in a mood to fill up the registration and login forms. Hence forcing users to log in just before the checkout is not a good idea as it increases cart abandonment. Guest checkout will do in such a situation.
A wishlist for future purchase (Purchase later options):
Whenever I shop I always come across a product which I badly want, But not necessarily urgent., this happens to all. Take advantage of your customer by implementing a wishlist, this is a message for your customer like-” Don’t you worry, come back after sometimes, this product is here now and then”.

Adding a wishlist has its role in increasing the user engagement. You cannot exclude this one.
Autofill forms (Information Lookup):
Save your customers from boring form filling steps. With autofill forms, Users will have to fill the forms only at once. With the information lookups, there won’t be a second time where users will have to fill out the forms.
Chat Interface:
Mail inquiries and calls are outdated, Go online by enabling chats. and help customers with queries and doubts regarding your app.
Rating and reviews:
Shoppers take ratings and reviews into account before buying a product. Moreover, letting the users share their experience of using the product lets you know what properties and feature if the product should be altered.
Payments Gateways:
The app should support the payment gateways just as in your website. Adding multiple payment methods will ease the transaction process for users.
Multi-language support:
If planning to extend the business in future, multilanguage support will be an advantage. Connect with customers worldwide!
Promotion Widgets:
Promotional offers and discounts can be showcased within the In-App pages. Adding banners and scrollers to the app should be possible.
Retargeting Adds:
With the users search data one can post ads in the user’s various social platforms and engage the user back into the app.
Sorting and filters:
Let the users drill down to the product they search for. Enabling this option will help customers find their desired products.
Android and iOS apps:
While transforming from eCommerce to mCommerce target both the Apple and Android users. The android users alone all over the world is about 2 billion users, which says, there is no mCommerce without Android phones.
Push Notification:
Notifications and messages are to be sent to the users to re-engage users with the app.
Curious to know more about mCommerce before taking a leap into it.
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