1. Appmaker

Increase app downloads using an Email footer

Hope you enjoyed the read about Smart banner to promote and increase app downloads. If you haven’t, head to the link to know how you can promote your app in no time.

Another easy way to promote your app is by adding the links of your app as the email footer. Once a customer makes an order, an email confirmation is sent after the order has been made. Adding the links to your apps as an email footer is a great way to ensure that your customers do not leave you and get to know about the latest offers through their app. Check out how you can enable email footer in just a few clicks.

Click on Email footer in the promote app tab in the Appmaker dashboard and click on Enable Order email footer.

Setting up the email footer and see preview on Appmaker dashboard
Setting up the email footer and see the preview on Appmaker dashboard

Copy-paste your android and iOS app links and give a suitable description of how you’ll like to represent it in the email footer. Once done, click on Save & Enable.

Adding important details on Appmaker dashboard
Adding important details on Appmaker dashboard

This is how your customers will view it.

screenshot showing email footer on your mail.
Email footer on your mail helping in increase app downloads

That’s it! you are all set to increase app downloads.

Don’t forget to check the blog on Smart Banner. Try out these cool features for your app and let us know your feedback in the comments section!

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