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How to draw customers’ attention with product badges

A good ecommerce sales strategy relies on automation and an improved UX UI. Product badges allow brands to increase customer awareness of significant and interesting product characteristics, such as a recent promotion or a top seller. With this free tool, you can easily encourage customers to make purchases. Product badges are a good way to catch their attention and motivate them to take action.

What Are Product Badges? How do Product Badges work?

Product badges, which are often referred to as product labels or “stickers,” are a marketing strategy that emphasizes particular features of a product. The main objective is to design the finest mobile experience possible so that your customers can make decisions right away.

Product badges are a valuable tool for reaching out to potential customers. The following are a few typical instances of how product badges can be utilized for promotion, social proof, and urgency:

By indicating a finite window of time during which a product or a promotion is accessible to the buyer, urgency generates an incentive to boost sales. ‘Deal of the Day or ‘Limited Time Only’, for instance.

A popular Amazon feature called Social Proof offers validity to products based on actual customer reviews. Ex. “Best Seller,” “Staff Picks,” and more.

Promotion badges inform customers about ongoing deals and make it simple to draw attention to the goods that are being used. For instance, “BFCM Exclusive,” “20% OFF,” and “Gift with Purchase.”

Promote products strategically to increase conversions

By including product badges in your sales approach, which have been shown to enhance conversions by up to 55% (Brandwatch, 2014), you may increase sales and customer authority. Product badges can draw your consumers’ attention to incentives that encourage them to make decisions more quickly with the appropriate approach. Say less. Low effort, huge payoff.

The following are some recommended practices for including product badges in mobile apps.

Start with what has proven successful. It would be easier to start with successful badges if you knew your customers and what motivated them. (Top rated, best seller, etc.)

Test. For optimal results, keep experimenting with messaging, color, and positioning.

Don’t go overboard. For clients, having too many badges can be confusing. Consider what matters most to your customers.

Don’t use jargon. Use phrases like “Staff Pick,” “New Arrival,” and “Top Seller” that your customers are accustomed to hearing.

Put the holidays to good use. assist clients in selecting the ideal holiday present or items that are on sale or in a campaign.

Location is crucial. Prioritizing product information while setting up product badges that will quickly catch your client’s attention is crucial.

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