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Best SEO Plugins for WordPress

There exist several WordPress SEO plugins that can help you with SEO, of which many are free and adds a lot to our website ranking on the internet. Improve your website’s SEO with these amazing plugins. Since it is not an easy task for the website owners to conduct a complete SEO audit, it becomes perplexing even for the experienced website owners. This is why everyone wanted their website to be equipped with the right SEO plugins in order to help their way to search engine success.

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO plugin for wordpress

Yoast SEO plugin is considered to be one of the most widely used WordPress SEO plugins. It is a free plugin and you can add titles and meta titles according to your wish in order to optimise the content. The plugin offers you the feature to generate an XML sitemap for your content, making the search engines move through your website easily. It also helps you to import your SEO data easily from another SEO plugin.

You can add open graph metadata and images using this plugin. It helps you optimise your website using the feature of SERP preview that allows you to adjust different combinations of title and meta description. The plugin also offers advanced features like adding scheme, readability check , setting canonical rules etc. 


  • Yoast plugin is updated every two weeks.
  • A readability check is completed on all pages.
  • The plugin detects duplicate content in your page or post.
  • You can tweak the meta description and title to make it more appealing and keyword rich.
  • It checks your article thoroughly and points out if there is any problem regarding the usage of keywords and suggests you the ways to optimise your title, meta description and URL for the keyword.

All in one SEO pack

It is a free wordpress plugin like Yoast which has been around since 2007 and is actively installed by many website owners. AIOSEOP is very similar to yoast in its functionalities but it has not got all the features of Yoast. The plugin allows you the feature to generate XML sitemap, image sitemap etc. for your website content and it automatically submit sitemaps to google, yahoo and other popular search engines. You can easily add titles and meta titles using this plugin.

This is the only WordPress SEO plugin to provide SEO for eCommerce sites like WooCommerce. Thus the integration with WooCommerce helps you optimize your website easily by providing access to different settings using a feature manager.


  • Provides XML sitemap support
  • Google AMP support to help web pages load faster.
  • Structured data markup schema
  • Modern canonical URLs 
  • Provides access to more additions.

The SEO Framework

SEO framework is the fastest full featured wordpress SEO plugin that follows the white hat guidelines and rules imposed by wordpress and search engines. It focuses on helping out those who want fast, lightweight wordpress SEO plugins without any ads. 

SEO framework has got more flexible options for targeting keywords and is also considered as the best alternative to Yoast. It offers many advanced features like AMP integration, redirects, incognito mode, article enhancement etc. with the help of extensions.


  • Works Fast with no ads.
  • Allows a user friendly way to check the performance of your company post on google using the visual, colored meter/scale.
  • Provides  local SEO extensions. 
  • The comment spamming extension removes the need for an additional plugin.
  • Most of the SEO settings are preconfigured.
  • It focuses on the encouragement of more natural writing.

Slim SEO

Fast & Automated WordPress SEO Plugin

Slim SEO has a lot of features. It tackles all the SEO tasks without going through any complicated options. Also, it uses modern, modular code made by WordPress developers.


  • Enhanced meta tags.
  • Generates structured data.
  • Breadcrumbs navigation to show hierarchy of your content.
  • XML sitemap to submit to search engines
  • Auto redirect attachment pages to file URLs
  • Header footer code
  • RSS feed to prevent the content from being copied.


SEO Press of WordPress site

SEOPress is one of the most user-friendly plugins on the market. It is simple, fast and powerful, including all the features like title and meta title  description, open graph , image sitemaps, etc. with no ads.  

Most of the users prefer SEOPress over Yoast because its premium version provides all the features like that of Yoast at a cheaper price. You can quickly have a SEOPress up running on your site using an installation wizard. Because of its features and ease of use, it is comparable with all top WordPress SEO plugins.


  • You can add google analytics tracking to your site quickly..
  • Quick and easy Twitter meta tags and Facebook open graph data.
  • XML Sitemap support 
  • Easy to use with no ads. 

Rank Math

Rank Math is a fast-growing user-friendly WordPress SEO plugin that helps you optimise your site as you write the content by providing immediate corrections about your post, without you having to leave the WordPress interface. It lets you add titles and meta descriptions with a snippet preview, thus reducing SERP display errors in google. The setup wizard helps you import data from other SEO plugins during the setup.

Rank Math allows you to optimise your website for search engines and social media by bringing about XML sitemap, redirects and allowing permission to a wide range of plugin features. The plugin is also optimised for speed, thus ensuring that your site’s speed is not affected.  


  • 404 monitoring.
  • Instant indexing for Google with Addon to get your content crawled quickly.
  • 301 redirect.
  • Google Search Console Integration to monitor and maintain your site’s presence in the google search results.
  • SEO examination tool.
  • Image sitemaps
  • Breadcrumbs for helping the users to retrace their steps.
  • Provides Open Graph and Twitter Card.


All these SEO plugins help the website owners to a great extent because SEO is generally confusing even for the experienced one. Luckily these WordPress SEO plugins exist and many of them are completely free. All the plugins have got their own advantages, so it purely depends upon the user to choose the best SEO plugin for him.

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