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Simple and Effective Strategies to Increase ECommerce Traffic

Increasing eCommerce store traffic is of paramount importance because the number of visitors becomes the number of possibilities to share your business’s brand, make a first impression and generate leads. Website traffic helps you generate leads, and solve the user’s needs by selling your product or service. This ultimately grows your business by building your customer base.

Increasing eCommerce traffic

So, how to drive traffic to Shopify store?

An attractive website alone won’t do any wonders if you want to drive eCommerce traffic. Similarly, you don’t need an immense advertising budget to earn average traffic to your eCommerce site. A carefully formulated set of simple and effective strategies to increase eCommerce traffic is all that you need to have an edge over your competitors.

For some businesses, only social media campaigns will be sufficient to meet the goal. On the contrary, it takes a combination of multiple strategies for a business of a different nature to earn eCommerce traffic.

How to drive traffic to my eCommerce website

Driving traffic to your eCommerce website takes diligent planning and implementation especially when you are relatively new in the market. It includes reaching your targeted audience and telling them that you exist in the market. 

The following are the best ways to draw attention to your store in order to earn a consistent income and get traffic to your website.

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Optimizing your website for search engines will help you score a better placement in search engines. This means generating free eCommerce traffic from quality leads. Working on your keyword strategy and closely watching what people are searching for will get you to your targeted audience.  When users search for the products in the search engine, a well-written meta description and URL will channel the traffic onto your site by optimizing the search. Make sure you give images for all the product names so that it will attract your targeted audience in a better way and drive traffic to website.

2. Research and add catchy product titles

Spend some time on research to come up with a suitable title for each product you sell, so that it catches customers’ attention when they do a generic search. Your product title should contain all the information regarding your product, which helps the users to comprehend your product better.

3. Optimize for mobile shopping

Nowadays, the majority of the customers use their mobiles for shopping rather than a laptop or pc. If your site is not properly optimized for the mobile view you are losing a major number of your possible customers. There are methods to optimize your sites to whatever digital platform your customer uses. It is at the expensive pole, but always the best choice for the future. 

4. Improve your site loading speed

According to recent statistics, Ideally, a website should load within three seconds, or two seconds especially if it is an eCommerce site. This loading time is a turning point where bounce rates are peak. To be precise, almost 40% of users will abandon a website if it takes more than three seconds to load. Thus, speeding up your WooCommerce store increases eCommerce traffic and attracts new customers.

5. Be active on social media

Social media pages like Facebook, Instagram, etc are the hottest selling places for various fields. There are groups where you can join to promote your website and if you market your products and site well, you can get the right group of people. Leveraging such communities will organically increase eCommerce traffic at a fast pace.

6. Create personalized newsletters

Once your eCommerce store is ready to go, send personalized newsletters to targeted customers. In this way, you can get hold of a connection with your customers and it will make sure that they will come back to you. Having a better understanding of your audience will help you formulate better communication plans. Build better trust through personalized and targeted emails. Using email marketing tools and building a customer base is also be great efforts in the direction to increase eCommerce traffic.

7. Set up live chat and customer feedback

A live chat will always come into use when your customers are stuck in your eCommerce store. This way you can prevent the customer from abandoning your site for another one. The right intervention at the right time,  when they require a human touch will always help. The live chat must be interactive and fast in giving the requisite solutions. It is always better to keep the live chat option 24/7 and in different languages depending on your targeted customers.

Similarly, customer feedback can always help you to improve your eCommerce traffic by considering constructive feedback. It can also help you to boost your sales by displaying positive feedback from previous customers on your products. This has been already tested on famous sites like Amazon, Flipkart, etc

To sum up, there are multiple ways to drive traffic to your eCommerce store. The catch here is to select a suitable one according to your type of business and target audience.

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