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Appmaker Intergation with Loox to Maximize Reviews

Before you begin generating traffic for your store, You want to make sure that your pages are optimized for conversions. Once the visitors begin to arrive, turning browsers into buyers isn’t always straightforward.

User experience, design, funnel optimization, fantastic copy, awesome products, and excellent product images are just a few of the components that go into fine-tuning your store for conversions. But one of the simplest strategies to use that will unquestionably have a significant influence on your conversion rate is social proof.

Trust is essential when making purchases online, and reviews and testimonials are the most powerful forms of social proof there is. However, reviews need to be utilized wisely, just like any other tool.

Compared to their ex-partners, two-thirds of consumers will trust online reviews more. That is a fascinating truth. However, as a brand, you must obtain such reviews.

You’ll learn how to achieve that from this article.

Ways to ask for Product Reviwes

Emails are without a doubt the best method for soliciting evaluations. Emails from Loox asking for customer reviews have aided in the collection of 5,844,506 reviews for our clients over the past 12 months.

It shouldn’t be a surprise. Emails from Loox asking for reviews typically have a 50% open rate. High open rates are merely the first step, though. You must also create an email that is extremely persuasive. an email that inspires recipients to post a review.

Utilize SMS To Generate More Reviews

Requesting reviews by direct SMS messaging is a simple and quick process.

Studies have shown that SMS messages are more likely to be seen and read than emails. 90% of mobile phone users will read their SMS within three minutes, according to eztexting.com.

You must be kind and succinct when asking for feedback if you want this channel to work for you. You’re more likely to receive reviews if you make things simpler for your customers.

Collect Testimonials Using Your Website

Your website is the hub of activity. It’s the location where you convert chance guests into devoted followers. So why not take advantage of that?

One of your most powerful sources of reviews can be the review buttons you have on your website. It just works.

To make them function, you don’t even need to hire a developer or a designer. You can utilize our no-code solution for Shopify stores.

The Traditional Method: Ask in Person

In-person reviews are frequently highly helpful for brick-and-mortar businesses. Repeat customers can be directly interacted with by brand owners to understand more about their buying experiences.

Different rules apply to digital brands. In order to communicate with their customers face-to-face, these businesses might need to hold (or go to) events. But it may be fruitful. Brands may establish strong emotional connections with consumers through live events.

Events provide a chance to learn more about your clients’ attitudes. Attendees are prepared to express their opinions on your goods. They wouldn’t have participated in the first place otherwise.

However, there is an issue. It costs a lot of money and takes a lot of effort to host an event in person.

A Few Additional Wise Ways

The aforementioned strategies are all effective. These are actually the ones that convert the best. However, you might want to step up your attempts to solicit reviews as well.

So, here are three additional ways to request product evaluations:

  • Use Facebook Messenger to send message requests for reviews.
  • Request ratings using push notifications.
  • Utilize WhatsApp to increase the number of evaluations.

Appmaker intergation with Loox – Automated Techniques for Requesting Reviews

As important as reviews are, getting them and sharing them with your customers can be time-consuming. In the very early phases of a firm, doing this manually might be effective, but it’s not recommended if you want to expand. So why not let a reviews app for shopify do all the labor-intensive tasks for you?

A good customer review generator will automatically generate, store, and post reviews to your website. Less trouble, more Shopify product reviews. Appmaker integration with Loox offers you an excellent chance to enhance the user experience on your mobile app through automation of the entire customer review process. You’ll have a constantly expanding supply of social evidence thanks to Shopify reviews gathered in real-time. progressively increasing the credibility of your store with each review.

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